♪ ♪ we want to welcome you back foranother episode of the villagehome show. this show is our opportunity tonot only tell you about kitchenand bath projects going on inour area, but now we can show you theentire process from start tofinish. on the village home show youcan expect to see projects ofvarious sizes, budgets, and styles. and we know thereis something for everyone totake away from each story that we tell here on the show.the team at village home storesis so honored that our customers allow us tomake their homes amazing. nowsome of those same customers have welcomed you in to see thefinished spaces. today'sepisode includes a
kitchen remodel so incrediblethat we're spending the entireepisode featuring it from start to finish. thiskitchen features gray stainedcabinetry from dura, supreme cambria quartz counters, astainless steel appliancepackage from kitchenaid, and lighting and tile work thatwill truly make you wish youget to come home to this kitchen everyday. we will sharethe before and during storiesof this transformation before giving you a full tourof the new space. we documentedthe entire process so you can really seethe work that went into gettingthis project completed. special guests from durasupreme will also join us totell us about some of theamazing details found in this cabinetrydesign. there's so much to talkabout
with this project so lets getright to it. take a look atsome of the before photos ofthis local kitchen. ♪ medium oakcabinetry and dark laminate tops filled theoriginal kitchen. the raisedpanel cabinet doors included an arch on the top andbottom rail to give a verytraditional look overall. i know this is the beforeportion of our program, but steps were taken to give anupgraded look to the laminatecounters from the originaldesign. i want to point out thesefeatures because they remain agreat way to enhance your look without pulling into yourproject budget. laminate topscan look upscale and this before story provesthat. laminate countertops areavailable
in thousands of patterns andfinishes. selecting aninteresting edge profile can be a great way to upgradeyour laminate look. thisoriginal kitchen included a beveled edge. this edge isideal for kitchen layouts thathave a lot of exposed or angled ends on thecounter. a bevel can be addedto any flat exposed edge. with theplacement of the kitchen sinkin the original design that left many exposed edgesthat could be beveled for anadded interest. also notice instead of apost-form backsplash where the top meets the wall a fullheight splash has beeninstalled. this is another great look forjust the right project. nowit's hard to show you
one great view of the originalkitchen as we look at thisbefore story because well, there were a fewblocking our view. but don'tworry they're coming out soon. the most significant changewill be when the wall dividingthe original dining room from the originalkitchen is taken out completely. the dining room area has suchan amazing view out into thewooded lot, but the wall dividing the twoareas blocks the view and allof that great natural light. across the sink wall of theoriginal kitchen sits a walled off cooking zone and aseparated location for therefrigerator. the cooking zone did have prepspace on either side, but thechopped
up areas made it feel verycrowded. bridging between thetwo walls above the cooktop was adecorative oak valance. this isa great way to conceal the woodcomponents behind it. just waituntil you see the hood wall of the new kitchen.on the outside wall of thiscooking zone was a drop zone. a place todock a phone, set your car keys, and even sort mail. drop zoneareas are still highly soughtafter in new designs. what we'redropping in these areas haschanged. it should be no surprise to youthat most of those itemsrequire chargers and chords. this original kitchen wastraditional in style and warmwoods
filled the space. along withthe room itself opening up abrand new palette of cool colors willbring a fresh more transitionallook to the upper level of this home. when we come backwe will walk you through thenew kitchen design and you will get to see thedemolition begin for this newkitchen. all of that and more when we come back formore of the village home show.♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ before we show you the newproject beginning lets take a look atwhat the new design fromvillage home stores will look like when we are finished. ifyou use the location of thecooktops centered on the top of thelayout you can get yourbarrings on where changes havebeen made.
this cooktop area has stayed inroughly the same location as the original kitchen range. therefrigerator has been movedacross the room and the angled countertop areahas moved to the oldrefrigerator location. the sink is now on the wallshown at the bottom of thisview. most importantly look at thewall we've removed. this viewinto the new design from the dining room wouldn'thave been possible in theoriginal layout. the wall dividing these tworooms is gone and a knee wallat bar height divides the rooms but doesn'tblock the view into or out fromthem. a wall oven and cooktop are nowon this wall and a drop zone
has been moved down to a smallwall space near the frontentrance into the kitchen. the sink wall of cabinetry alsois now home to the refrigerator, and a tall pantry cabinet onthe opposite end. a raised dishwasher will be easyto load and unload. instead ofending the cabinetry at therefrigerator a shallow buffetarea has been included for serving filling the space tothe right of the refrigeratoron over to the window wall. think this kitchen looks greatin computer renderings? waituntil you see it brought to life, but wecan't show you the finishedspace without first bringingyou up to speed on how it was completed.the old oak kitchen is just
a memory now. all of theoriginal kitchen has beenremoved along with the walls that used to divide the kitchenoff from the rest of the firstlevel of this home. because the wall that extendsdown the entire span of thishome is load bearing a header remains to support theweight now that this room hasopened up to become one large great room. theelectricians and plumbers havehad a chance to come out and rough in thenew locations of all of thefixtures. lets pay a visit to the jobsite to check in with thisspace. here is our featured kitchen inprogress. not only has a wallbeen removed right here that used to divide theoriginal dining room form theoriginal kitchen, but a goodportion
of this wall has been removedas well. when i stopped by tocheck on this kitchen after demo i couldn't believethe transformation just formthat wall work being done. now instead of the kitchen witha small dinette area we have anentire new upper level of this home.it's now opened up for the newkitchen, dining space, and a great roomarea. these homeowners will nowhave look of an entirely new homeright when they walk in thefront door. after the walls and existingflooring were removed theelectricians and plumbers wereable to come in and roughen in the space forthe new locations of theappliances, sink, and lighting\ there was work to be done tothe new walls and areas werethe old
walls met with new spaces. someareas of the ceiling alsoreceived patchwork before the painterswere able to begin. now thatthe space has been prepped the hardwoodflooring can be installed. wheninstalling natural products like wood into yourhome you want to be sure thewood itself has a chance to adapt to the climate in yourhome before it's installed.this is why we deliver wood flooring daysbefore the installation date.opening up the boxes and exposing the material tothe home allows it to acclimate. you can see the progress herealready and we can't wait toshow you the reveal of thisremodeled space. later in this episode. see thenew look when we come back formore of
the village home show. ♪ ♪ the wall work has beencompleted and the room isreally starting to look great. once theflooring had a chance toacclimate to the humidity andthe home it was installed. beforewe could even make it out toshoot a photo of the new floors they were covered up forprotection. the last thing youwant to have happen is a scratch, nick, ordent in the brand new hardwood. we used a product called ramboard. as you watch shows like "love it or list it", "this oldhouse", or income property"look down and see you will see this product being used.ram board is an ideal choicefor protecting
your new investment. villagehome stores is an authorizeddealer of this product so call or stop in anytime toask about it. with the floors in place the new cabinetry canbegin to get installed. now this new kitchen is starting to takeshape. the cabinetry for theangled peninsula is set in place and the kneewall is built. this knee wallis built at bar height and will supportthe eat-in bar top. the spreadof wall from the countertop to the bartop will have outlets andswitches facing the kitchen. cabinets are allin place and appliances can nowgo in. countertop templates can bemade now that the finisheddimensions are available.
cambria countertops have beeninstalled and this bar top is truly a custom fit and look.notice the unique edge profile on the counters.without reveling the entirefinished look we will offer this sneakpeek of the mosaic tile gettinginstalled above the new cooktop. and of course notjust any basic light switch or plug willdo for a dream kitchen years inthe making. our adorne collection fromlegrand will be in placethroughout the new space. before we give you thefull tour of this new kitchenwe want welcome some of it's firstguests. dura supreme cabinetrysaw how this
kitchen was progressing over onour facebook page and had tosee it for themselves. we used the opportunity to chatabout some of our favoritefeatures of the dura supremeline. take a look. well who better tobe some of the very fist guests in this dura supreme kitchenthen some of our favoritemembers of the dura supreme team we want to welcome stefan andjohn thank you for joining us.stefan: thanks for having us. elizabeth: well, john youjoined us at the wqad studiowhen we put in that dura supremekitchen there on site and youshowed us a lot about durasupreme. that day but could you remindus now that we're here how longhas dura been in business? john: yeah dura supreme is afamily owned company and we'vebeen building cabinets since
the 1950s. elizabeth: wowthat's wonderful and located inthe u.s correct? stefan: yeah, right up they'reour neighbors right up inhoward lake minnesota so a we actually have that's ourmain location and we also havemill ah just north of that so it'sreal nice we can take from log all the way to thefinished product. we have ourhands on the on the product the whole time and itjust really creates consistencyand we we're able to watch that gofrom again start to finish and again that that buildsconsistency for the endconsumer. elizabeth: yeah andyou being confident in the productyou're putting out makes us alot more confident in selling it
to our customers. what kind ofa warranty can they expect fromdura supreme? john: we offer a limitedlifetime warranty. ah you knowif challenges arrive then we're family owned we workwith village challenges get worked out andand kind of expanding into ah another area we do not get intothe home setters so you don't have to worryabout who you're going to talkto. elizabeth: yeah john: village home stores willtake care of it. elizabeth:yeah we're going to be thereand we are very reachable. now the reason why i wanted tohave you here instead of at thestudio is we are now surroundedwith a gorgeous dura supreme kitchen.could you tell me a little bitabout what does
dura supreme invest to find thefinishes and the styles thatthey have? stefan: yeah this is definatelyon trend isn't it? the graysthe paint it's it's right on the money. you know from aninvestment standpoint it'sreally more um just with the overalltechnology i mean the owner of dura supreme ah has investedmillions of dollars into the technology and it's not justthe overall finish, but it's all ah you know you have to sandthe product correctly you haveto make sure that you have a very controlledenvironment. and that's whywe're a little bit differentthen the regional shops and we havea completely controlledenvironment. ah which is
great so from sanding to theactual finish itself all being hand finished andthen actually to the conversion varnish it's a bakedon finish and that gives us the um the product that we can puta lifetime warranty on. so from that standpoint we havemillions of dollars investedinto that. you know really from how do weget to these type of colors.our v.p. of marketing karen wistrom doesa fantastic job and she's on that colormarketing group so so she knows what's going to becoming from a trend perspective
in the next two or three orfour years so we're right on it. ah we've got lots of differentof finishes to choose from andso we know that hey when grays arestarting to come out that'swe're we're gonna have a really nice palette for youguys to extend to the consumer. ah paint we see a little bit ofa paint here that's justblowing up as well and so i would say probably 4out of 10 kitchens we sell noware paint and we really see thathaving legs in the marketplace so we want to be right on cuewith all those differentfinishes along with a really nice paint palette foryou guys. elizabeth: yeahabsolutely well paint is asignificant portion
of our business especially whenyou get into what you mention atransitional style. stefan: yeah elizabeth: um having a whitepainted kitchen sounds like youmight want it, but you need a lot of whites to choose fromand dura has a lot of thosesame thing with the graycategories we have a lot to work with. stefan: that'sright. elizabeth: um so thefinishes are very important,but also the the texture the weatherdistressed finishes you guysare amazing at those could youtell me a little bit about that? john:yeah we actually have aweathered sample here. ah it's a stain glazecombination, but you'll see that it's textured and it's got theah the elements from weatherhitting it in your backyard for40 years.
you know it's got that texturedopen wide grain and then wealso add bird pecking characteristics toit and then right next to it we've got the chipped paintwhich is very popular as well.elizabeth: great on just like an accent island ifyou're not comfortable doing itin the full kitchen. um these finishes are somethingthat you really need toexperience and touch and feel especially theweathered ones you will just besurprised when you walk up to it um we have an island in theshowroom and it's impossible tostop people from walking up toit and grabbing it and just umjust feeling that finish it'svery wonderful. stefan: and they go is thisreal wood is this elizabeth:yeah oh yeah. stefan: oh yeahoh yeah and it's a
very labor intensive, but ah ifyou want to set yourself apart from your neighbors and youwant your own custom kitchenthat that's why you go to villageand can use a dura supremeproduct. elizabeth: yeah it isa gorgeous product now we are in a cherrykitchen, might not be thecherry you're familiar with but this is cherry in acaraway finish. stefan: yeah.elizabeth: what other woodspecies does dura offer? stefan: yeah we offer oak,hickory, maple, cherry as youmentioned. we also still are very involvedin the rustic parts of it. sowe have knotty which we see right here. ahrustic cherry, rustic hickory. ah quarter sawn oakhas been really good for us too.
we also have some more ofexotic wood species too lyptusis a hybrid of a eucalyptus tree, and verystrong wood it looks a lot like mahogany without theprice point of mahogany so that that's worked well for us too.and then when we as i mentionedearlier um as we're transitioning intomore of a transitional even a light contemporary looksome of those exotic woods areare real important that we offer. umbamboo ah we offer a rift cut oak, a dougfir, zebrawood just to give a little bit more of thatcontemporary feel. um and so
we offer all of those differentspecies. elizabeth: so manyoptions. stefan: lots to choosefrom, it a fashion industry i mean this businesshas evolved so much over thelast 10, 15, 20 years. i'm datingmyself a little bit, but it is become so important tohomeowners to have a dreamkitchen and that's why is john eludedto it's so important to havethe right dealer in place in each andevery market and we're blessedwith that. ah especially here in the quadcities so if you want a dream kitchen you have to gothe right people cause we wecan we're only as good as our distributor. and andthat's village here in themarketplace.
elizabeth: yeah that'swonderful very kind words thankyou. um but i want to ask you what are some of your favoritethings about dura, john? john: you know i like the factthat we've got a rainbow ofcolors. um you open the book up andthere's just tons of skus youcan design with. ah we build a solid product weback it up with a warranty, and the fact that we work witha family owned company such asvillage. elizabeth: yeah it always comesback to the people and that'swhy we choose our products toobecause we need to be able to reach outto the people too, and howabout you? stafan: yeah, yeah iwould that's a good answer john, nice job. ah but i wouldsay really it's, it's
being able to ah, know you aswe're the liaisons between manufacturing and thedistributors, it's just all about the relationships. youknow and that for the consumerthat is so important that they get theright dealer the right designer ah because again we canmanufacture a great product we do manufacture a greatproduct we have an array ofgreat finishes and wood species to choosefrom, but if you don't havethat right designer in place ah it makes for just a bla kitchen and we don't likebla kitchens i mean we're inthe fashion industry
so i would say it's the overallrelationship and being able to have village home stores anddura supreme being able to do this directlyfrom a buying power standpoint ah and from atraining standpoint that we're giving the best value that wepossibly can in the quad cities. and so that thatwhen we see that happen thatmagic happen we get to see this and that'spretty cool. elizabeth: yeahwell and you make everything available those skusthat you mentioned. um asdesigners we love having everything available andif it isn't you can still workwith us and make it happenwhich is
always great as a designer, butwe just want to thank you somuch for joining us here in this dura supreme kitchen,but we will take you on acloser look of this kitchen just in a few minutes, um butfirst we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ welcome to this gorgeous new kitchencompletely remodeled by villagehome stores. now that the work is finishedall of the public spaces of theentire upper level of this home are justopen and airy as any new homebuilt today. with the walls removedand the new kitchen now openedup to the dining room and adjacent livingroom the entire space looksgreat looking
into the kitchen as well as outform it. located on a wooded lot this kitchen now has fullaccess to the natural light andserene views just outside of the glass filledback wall of the home. before we take a look at themore in-depth of this overallnew design. lets first startwith the basics. the cabinetry and countertopsare a complete transformationfrom the original oak cabinets and dark green laminate tops.the new cabinetry is from our dura supreme line.you've seen cherry kitchens,but have you ever seen a cherry kitchen quite like this?the lynden door style has beenused and the caraway finish appliedto this rich wood grain.
this unique twist on a neutraltone allows the wood grain tobe enhanced and creates a stunning and sophisticatedlook. the angled detail found in the lynden door profileallowed for the perfectopportunity to use cambria's amazing knife edge option. wellmost countertop edge profiles find their detail from the topto the bottom, the knife edgegives you full access to the depth of thetop and takes the profiledetail off of the of the lower portion of theslab. seeing these elementsperfectly paired together proves that getting the overalllook like this, it is all inthe details. details like these are whatgives you a magazine kitchen ora
pinterest worthy kitchen as wecall it in the industry. thecambria quartz used in this kitchen is thetorquay design. this subtle tone on tone design allowslight to reflect and bounce allover the space. there's a small buffet area inthe eat in zone of the newkitchen that received a shallow accent top in thegalloway design. this designcompliments the colors of the overallmaterial selection and addsmovement and style to the open portion of thecounter. this subtle countertopselection creates the perfect platform to showcasethe striking tile backsplashthat's installed throughout. a porcelain field tile has beeninstalled horizontally.
this tile has a wood grain lookthat compliments but doesn'tconflict with the cherrycabinetry grain. adding texture andinterest to the kitchen this porcelain tile can beinstalled on the floor or thewall. the most impressive element to thebacksplash design is thiscascading glazzio mosaic tile behind the stainless hood. awaterfall effect is created with a blend of glass,ceramic, and metal tiles thatseems to fluidly stream down andreflect onto the new glasscooktop. the flooring is from ourparamount line. this montereybirch hardwood is a richespresso stain. the varied widths of thematerial gives it interest
and adds texture. the choice toinstall the flooring at an angle is another one of those detailsthat truly sets this look off.lets take a tour of the kitchen appliancesstarting right here with thedishwasher. notice that the unit has been raised upinto a built-in cabinet. thismakes the dishwasher easier to load and unload nomatter what your height. thecooktop we mentioned earlier is a 36"wide 5-burner electric unit with touch activated controls.once the elements have cooled the control lock creates agreat way to easily clean thewhole surface without turningon any burners or features. above thecooktop and showcased perfectly
by this cascading mosaic tileis a 36" stainless hood. with 3-speed and a 10 minuteboost of ventilation when needed this model provides an ampleamount of cfms above the5-burner unit below. on the same wall is acombination microwave and walloven from kitchenaid. the shorter section above canbe used as a standardmicrowave, but the added convection features in itallow it to be a second ovenwhen needed. one of the most overlooked newfeatures on kitchenaidmicrowaves is the soften or melt function. this lower wattageoption replaces the need to leave the ice cream out onthe counter to soften up a bitor melt butter for baking.
these tasks can now be donequickly with 1 step in themicrowave. the 29 cubic foot french doorrefrigerator also fromkitchenaid is a phenomenal refrigeratorchoice. 29 cubic feet of storage is a lot of space toget organized in. the grayfinish on the interior of thisrefrigerator is called platinum. yes this looks cool, but whygray? the gray platinuminterior paired with l.e.d.lighting in the fridge allows you to seeyour food better. this home islocated in an area of the quad citiesthat has extremely hard water.a secret secondary appliance is hiddenin the lower area of thisbuffet to help with this
issue. hard water can be roughover time on investments likethis kitchenaid refrigerator. the indoor iceand water dispenser was nothooked up to the water line native to the house.instead a flojet bottled water dispenser supplies thekitchenaid filtration systemfor the refrigerator. with great power comes greatresponsibility, and the adornecollection from legrand is ready for thetask no matter what. thisentire kitchen has been outfitted with thisunique series of switches andsolutions. pop-out outlets provideversatile access when needed,but add a stylish look when not inuse. soft-tap dimmer switchescan be
preset to the desired dimmedamount, and with a single tapthey will return to that level oflight. our diode l.e.d.undercabinet lighting system washes thebeautiful new countertop andbacksplash with light. the painted access cabinetabove the sink is also lit withthis system. this happens when youprovide yourself with layers oflighting options for any task at any time ofday. a combination of decorative dining fixtures, a flushfixture, recess cans, and theundercabinet lighting give you limitlessoptions. there are smartstorage solutions everywhere you turn in this newdura supreme kitchen.
a 36" wide pantry cabinetincludes adjustable slide-outshelves. for those of you who have beenreaching up for years and yearsto grab plates and glasses take note of this alternative.store glasses in slide-outdrawers or allow yourself an entiredrawer like this. plates and other dinnerware canbe easily accessed in a draweror slide-out. access to pots and pans isimportant in the cooking zonein your kitchen. leave the upper cabinet storage spacefor less used items. the deeparea above this microwave wall ovenhas space for small appliancesas well as tray dividers for bakeware.now lets talk some trash.
of course i mean the trash inthe kitchen. where is it? i canshow you without even leaning over to open itup. the servo auto trash feature has been added and now just asingle nudge is all that isneeded to open the cabinet to access the trashbins within. how many times areyour hands dirty, wet, or just too full toopen the trash? this featurehelps all of those instances with just alittle push of help. anotherarea to note in this new kitchen isthe drop zone near the frontentrance. this drop zone provides aconcealed place to sort thetype of things that may tend to pile up on the counter. forbusy families we often includea charging station
for devices in this same zone.beveled end caps have beenapplied to this section of cabinetry tocreate a more customizedfurniture style. the all important layer ofcrown molding and undercabinetmolding finish off the look. the buffet areaacross from the drop zone usesthe extra space to isn't fullest.added storage below and a place to hide that flowjet watersystem this buffet now becomesa great amount of counter space to serve from orto display on. with dura supreme there's never an upcharge forcutting down the depth of acabinet. in this case we were able toorder this wall of cabinetry tofit perfectly in place.
sleek and stylish a singledrill faucet is paired with anundermount kohler sink. notice the sinkhas 2 sections but that the center divider ismuch lower than normal. thisoption is called a low divider. allowing you theoption to fill one side withsome water for any soaking or washingneeded. the reminder of thetime you have access to the full width of theoverall sink. the benefits of asingle well sink when you have something largeto fit in it and the benefitsof a double well when you want sorting orwashing options. this kitchenis one of the most stunning and sophisticatedkitchen remodels that we havedone in a while, and
were so glad to have theopportunity to show you how itall took shape. we want to thank the homeownersto show you around, and we wishwe were as lucky as them to come home to thiseveryday. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this complete remodel from village home stores hasgiven these homeowners anentire new open space in theirhome. love the home you're in? wantto give it updates that willhelp you live in it longer? and keep you where you want tobe? village home stores canhelp with that. if you're building a new homeremember that our newconstruction customers canbundle their purchases throughout the whole store fromus. discounted pricing storewide
combined with bundle programtranslates into free lightingfor your new home. contact us today or visitvillagehomestores.com with anyquestions about this bundle program. we carryappliances, cabinetry,countertops, lighting, floorcovering, andnow custom shades and blindsfor your home. all of this all in one locationto make the selection processeasier on you whether you're buildinga new home or remodeling theone that you're in. we thank you so much forjoining us for this episode ofthe village home show. keep looking forward to seeingmore expert interviews,industry news and of coursemore great projects from right here in thequad city area. if you have anyquestions about anything you've
seen here today or if you wantto start the conversation aboutyour own project give us a call at 309-944-1344 or email us atinfo@villagehomestores.com. visit villagehomestores.comwhere you can find links to allof our social media outlets including pinterest,houzz, facebook and many more. you're always welcome to stopby and see us at our showroomin downtown geneseo. i've been your host elizabethround and i look forward toseeing you right back hereanother time for an episode of the villagehome show. ♪ ♪
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